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{{Customer.WalletAmount}} Cash Balance
Refund Money
Promo Money

Transaction History

Transaction ID : {{trans.TransId}}
Placed on, {{trans.TransDate}}
Amount {{trans.TransType}}

FAQ's for Cash Balance

  • What is Cash Balance

    DentalCart Cash balance stores records for the money you paid for cancelled or duplicate orders, money credited for the items you sold. It also consists of the DentalCart promotional money credited to your account based on your actions.
  • What is refund money

    Refund money contains money credited for the refund cases. You can use this money on DentalCart or get it transferred to your source account.
  • What is Promo Money?

    Promo money contains the promotional money added to your account based on your actions on DentalCart.
  • How to use the Cash balance?

    The money will be auto-debited against your next transaction on DentalCart Doorstep
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